Farewell (for now) HP
Closed up things at work including turning in my laptop and clearing everything out of my cubicle and gym locker. We had a nice send-off lunch, thanks guys! My plan is to return on December 31st, so today was my almost last day of work this year.
I’ve gotten most things packed. It goes into three groups: things I’m using in Texas, things I don’t need in Texas but will in Amsterdam and some spare items to leave at my parents. For example, my camping gear is in the second category. All three groups are a little bigger than I’d like. However, it is tough to look at some of it and wonder if I’ll really need it or not. Am I better off with an extra spare tire or will the weight hurt me more them help. My plan is to take another good look at everything in Dallas before my flight and figure out the final things to bring then.
I picked up an interesting alcohol stove. Only 1oz. Not quite sure where I can pick up methylated spirits in Russia, but if so that would be a very lightweight alternative to the stove I would otherwise bring. There seem to be enough other places to get food along the way, so not sure I want to carry too much weight to cook things.
Giday Mike.
Re the comment about methylated spirits in Russia, if you haven’t already found out it is called Methyl Alcohol (metilovy spirt) accoring to www sources. Locations and availability of this item however is still unkown.
Not sure how reliable it is but this site gives some commentary about it. http://www.ultralight-hiking.com/fuelnames.html#ussr
Thanks for the pointer Andrew. I hadn’t quite found that link, but it is definitely intriguing to think of saving some weight here on the stove. Perhaps I’ll try things first without normal kerosene burning camp stove.