HomeEuropean RussiaVolgaГородец, short note on a short riding day


Городец, short note on a short riding day — 3 Comments

  1. hi mike,
    looks like you are having an adventure. hope the roads get better and the mosquitos smaller. laura

  2. Mike,
    It seems a lot more difficult than riding in Australia. We are continuing to follow your journey with great interest. In a week’s time, we shall be heading north to Townsville for our ride from there to Mount Isa (via Boulia).However, we do hope to be able to access the internet and so be able to keep ourselves informed about your adventures. How do you find a spare wheel if you are unlucky enough to need one?We can understand
    something of how worrying mechanical difficulties must be when riding in an isolated area and/or a foreign country.
    Rod and Gwen

  3. Thanks for the greetings. I hope not to need a wheel or anything, but if necessary I know addresses of bicycle shops in largest cities and also have an extra bicycle saved in Russia from last years trip.