Easy ride on the Bar-B-Q relay
An easy ride today. Today was a day with two official sets of rides. One set started 60 miles south in Bandera and included the infamous “Leakey Death Ride”. Others were around here. Skies were overcast and forecasts called for intermittent showers in the morning with improving weather in the afternoon. I decided to take an easy ride on the C ride starting from Fredericksburg. The ride itself was to Harry’s BBQ. I rode with Jean and Bert today, but they did the ride as a relay. Jean rode to Harry’s and Bert rode back.
Last night was time for the Texas Hell Week Banquet. Nice chance to see everyone together, eat some bbq, and get together after the rain. We were tightly packed into the Nimitz hotel, a local museum here dedicated to the Nimitz family and also the WWII pacific theater war. The dinner was fun. Nick had me say a few words about my trip. Not quite sure what to say, but told about the overall plans and the road across Russia.
This morning a smaller group than normal. Most of those in town were doing the B ride to Blanco. Jean and I headed out of town to the North and East and through some winding roads. It got quieter as we got out of town. Without much difficulty we reached Harry’s at mile 22. Unfortunately left my camera back, but Harry’s was a fun Texas type bbq house. Jukebox was playing loud music. Inside were a collection of different memorabilia and folksy signs (e.g. “Only out of town cheques accepted” or “Shoes and Shirt required but bras and panties optional”. All throughout the inside, people had signed names and dates of their visit. A few small framed editions of reviews of Harry’s as a Texas institution were also present. Not too far from here is “the loop” a supposedly very scenic road going through wildflower areas and overlooking some nice drop offs.
After a nice big BBQ sandwich, Bert and I continued on smaller roads to the west. At mile 31 we turned south on Lower Cranapple drive. This road wound its way through the countryside and across a few sharp hills before coming back into town. A slight detour past supermarket before end to an easy cycling day. 46 miles today.